You are here: To-Do's > Defining To-Do Maintenance > Header


The Header pane displays the relevant details of the record.

Field Description
To-Do No. Automatically allocated on saving. Numbering is updated by System numbers form, field TodoNo 
Assigned To Select from search window. Displays all active staff records
Assigned By Automatically populated on saving with the login user first name of the person who created the record
Modified By Automatically populated on saving changes with the login user first name of the person who last modified the record
Due Date Prompts to the creation date. Edit as required
Due Time Prompts to the creation time. Edit as required
Duration (hours) Expected time to completion
Priority Select from drop down list
Status Tracking Tick this box to select a status
Status Select from drop down list. Additional options can be added in the To-Do Control Maintenance form
Complete Displays the % attached to the status and can be moved manually
Notify assigner when it is complete Message is sent when status is set to Complete


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